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Fat Thursday in Krakow A Sweet Prelude to Your Pub Crawl Adventure

The Mystery of Fat Thursday

Fat Thursday I'm sure you're thinking. What could possibly be fat about Thursday? Is it a day dedicated to fat people or a day dedicated to getting fat? Could even be a day dedicated to losing fat haha so I decided to finally get to the bottom of what today was really about.

A Sweet Surprise in the Common Room

Went downstairs to the common room to ask the receptionist what Fat Thursday was. But I discovered with my eyes before I could say a thing. I saw where the breakfast is meant to be laid out an entire table of donuts haha so this is what Fat Thursday is all about in Poland.

What a beautiful free breakfast I would say, even know there's no protein in this food haha

While we ate I found out what's happening. Fat Thursday in Poland guys. So if you were cutting up or in the middle of a diet, it's not the day for you.

The Lowdown on Tłusty Czwartek

Tłusty Czwartek, or Fat Thursday, is a popular Polish holiday celebrated on the last Thursday before Lent. Apparently my friends celebrate it every week, haha. Still special for us, but I wouldn't be able to do it every week (maybe)

It's all about indulging in sweet and fatty foods before the fasting period begins. The main treat of the day is pączki—delicious, deep-fried doughnuts filled with jam or cream and covered in powdered sugar or glaze. Another popular pastry is faworki (crispy, sugar-dusted angel wings).

On this day, Poles eat millions of pączki, believing it brings good luck. Tłusty Czwartek is similar to Mardi Gras, offering one last feast before Lent, and is a fun, delicious tradition loved across Poland.

The Polish Donut Paradox

If you didn't get to celebrate this day don't panic, the Polish have this day each and every week! Which makes me super curious how they are all so skinny. Anyway, I had a couple of donuts (pączki) and went back to sleep as I always do after a heavy pub crawl night in Krakow.

Afternoon Adventures: Round Two of Donut Delights

Mid afternoon came around and the guys in my room who had slept in wanted to experience this day also. So obviously I tagged along haha why not make the most of this day. First stop Dobra Pączkarnia - Click here for DELICIOUSNESS ! – Famous for its wide variety of fillings and freshly made pączki. And when I say fresh I mean fresh!! This is probably my favorite donut place in the world.

Cukiernia Michałek: The Quest for Nutella

Cukiernia Michałek - Also Click here for DELICIOUSNESS. Cukiernia Michałek is a popular bakery with delicious pączki and other traditional sweets. We came here next because Dobra Pączkarnia didn't have any Nutella flavored ones and we thought actually our sweet day wasn't over until we had our favorite fillings. And they had em pistachio and Nutella were the favorites. Mouth watering foods of the gods. FAT THURSDAY WOOHOO!

Walking Off the Guilt (Sort Of)

Afterwards we took the long way back to the hostel to help a little with the guilt that I just ingested around 2000 calories in 2 hours haha oh well I'm sure I'll burn the calories tonight at pub crawl. And if you want to join me in a fun filled night of clubs, alcohol, dancing and fun go grab a ticket. Ticket to FUN!